Content Posted in 2023
2023 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment, USAWC SSI
A Call to Action: Lessons from Ukraine for the Future Force, Katie Crombe and John A. Nagl
A Historical Perspective on Today’s Recruiting Crisis, Brian McAllister Linn
Ambivalent Offshore Balancer: America in the Middle East and Beyond, John M. Schuessler
Americans and the Dragon: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting from the Boxer Uprising, Mitchell G. Klingenberg
Are Retired Flag Officers Overparticipating in the Political Process?, Zachary E. Griffiths
Autumn Book Reviews, USAWC Press
Book Review: Blood and Ruins: The Last Imperial War, 1931–1945, Jonathan Klug
Book Review: Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin, Rev. Dr. Wylie W. Johnson
Book Review: Career Diplomacy: Life and Work in the US Foreign Service, Christopher Sandrolini
Book Review: Clear, Hold, and Destroy: Pacification in Phú Yên and the American War in Vietnam, Samantha A. Taylor
Book Review: Corruption in the Americas, José de Arimatéia da Cruz
Book Review: Cyber Intelligence: Actors, Policies, and Practices, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Determined to Persist: General Earle Wheeler, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Military’s Foiled Pursuit of Victory in Vietnam, Gregory L. Cantwell
Book Review: Fighting for Time: Rhodesia’s Military and Zimbabwe’s Independence, Charles G. Thomas
Book Review: Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: John J. Pershing and the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I, 1917–1919: April 7-September 30, Volume 1, Nathan K. Finney
Book Review: Managing Sex in the U.S. Military: Gender, Identity, and Behavior, Mary Raum
Book Review: Military Dogs of World War II, Wylie W. Johnson
Book Review: Military Virtues, George J. Fust
Book Review: Number One Realist: Bernard Fall and Vietnamese Revolutionary Warfare, John A. Nagl
Book Review: Old & New Battlespaces: Society, Military Power, and War, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Original Sin: Power, Technology and War in Outer Space, Jeffrey Caton
Book Reviews, USAWC Press
Book Reviews, USAWC Press
Book Reviews, USAWC Press
Book Review: Spies and Shuttles: NASA’s Secret Relationship with the DoD and CIA, Carlos Barrera and Manuel Carranza
Book Review: Strategia: A Primer on Theory and Strategy for Students of War, Phillip Dolitsky
Book Review: Team America: Patton, MacArthur, Marshall, Eisenhower, and the World They Forged, Wylie W. Johnson
Book Review: The Age of AI and Our Human Future, Russell W. Glenn
Book Review: The Air War in Vietnam, Vince Alcazar
Book Review: The Good Captain: A Personal Memoir of America at War, Joseph J. Collins
Book Review: The Military and the Market, Ryan Orsini
Book Review: The Origins of Victory: How Disruptive Military Innovation Determines the Fates of Great Powers, Zachery Tyson Brown
Book Review: The Panzer Killers: The Untold Story of a Fighting General and His Spearhead Tank Division’s Charge into the Third Reich, Wylie W. Johnson
Book Review: The Strategic Use of Force in Counterinsurgency: Find, Fix, Fight, José de Arimatéia da Cruz
Book Review: The Weaponisation of Everything: A Field Guide to the New Way of War, Robert J. Bunker
Book Review: Useful Captives: The Role of POWs in American Military Conflicts, Michael E. Lynch
Book Review: War in the Villages: The U.S. Marine Corps Combined Action Platoons in the Vietnam War, William Thomas Allison
Book Review: War of Supply, John A. Bonin
Change and Innovation in the Institutional Army from 1860–2020, John A. Bonin and James D. Scudieri
China’s Future Military Capabilities, Roger Cliff
Climate Change: An Opportunity for INDOPACOM, Catherine A. B. Reppert
Competing for Global Influence: How Best to Assess Potential Strategic Partners, Brian G. Forester
Contributor Guidelines, USAWC Press
Contributor's Guidelines, USAWC Press
Contributor's Guidelines, USAWC Press
Contributor's Guidelines, USAWC Press
Daoism and Design: Mapping the Conflict in Syria, Ned Beechinor Marsh and Heather S. Gregg
Defeat in Afghanistan: An Autopsy, Joseph J. Collins
Deterring Russian Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons: A Revised Approach, Cliff R. Parsons
Enhancing US Global Competitiveness through Women, Peace, and Security, Brenda Oppermann
Factoring Gender into Kinetic Operations, Jody M. Prescott
From the Acting Editor in Chief, Conrad C. Crane
From the Acting Editor in Chief, Conrad C. Crane
From the Acting Editor in Chief, Conrad C. Crane
From the Editor in Chief, Antulio J. Echevarria II
Geniuses Dare to Ride Their Luck: Clausewitz’s Card Game Analogies, Nicholas A. A. Murray
Innovation, Flexibility, and Adaptation: Keys to Patton’s Information Dominance, Spencer L. French
Integrating Army Capabilities into Deterrence: The Early Cold War, Robert F. Williams
Introduction to the China Landpower Studies Center, Richard D. Butler
Minotaurs, Not Centaurs: The Future of Manned-Unmanned Teaming, Robert J. Sparrow and Adam Henschke
Parameters Autumn 2023, USAWC Press
Parameters Spring Issue 2023, USAWC Press
Parameters Summer 2023, USAWC Press
Parameters Winter 2023-24 Full Issue, USAWC Press
PLA Logistics and Sustainment: PLA Conference 2022, George R. Shatzer, Roger D. Cliff, Kenneth W. Allen, Joshua Arostegui, Justin Boggess, Travis Dolney, Matthew P. Funaiole, Brian Hart, Lonnie D. Henley, Bonny Lin, Erin Richter, Benjamin Rosen, James R. (J. R.) Sessions, Eli Tirk, Joel Wuthnow, and Christopher D. Yung
Reflexive Control: Influencing Strategic Behavior, Maria W. R. de Goeij
Responding to Future Pandemics: Biosecurity Implications and Defense Considerations, Diane DiEuliis and James Giordano
Review and Reply: On “Why America’s Army Can’t Win America’s Wars” (part 1), Alex Special Operations NCO and John A. Nagl
Review and Reply: On “Why America’s Army Can’t Win America’s Wars” (part 2), G. L. Lamborn and John A. Nagl
SRAD Director's Corner: Afghanistan: The Logic of Failing, Fast and Slow, George Shatzer
SRAD Director's Corner: Recognizing the Increasing Importance of the US-ROK Alliance, Eric Hartunian
SRAD Director's Corner: US Army War College Russia-Ukraine War Study Project, Eric Hartunian
Taiwan’s Food Resiliency—or Not—in a Conflict with China, Gustavo F. Ferreira and Jamie A. Critelli
The Case for an Army Stability Professional, Andrew B. Colvin
The Chechen Kadyrovtsy’s Coercive Violence in Ukraine, Wilson A. Jones
The Future Role of Strategic Landpower, Philip F. Baker, Gregory L. Cantwell, Timothy L. Clark, Gregory R. Foxx, Justin M. Magula, Curtis S. Perkins, Kirk A. Sanders, Timothy A. Sikorski, and Carl L. Zeppegno
The Impact of Antarctic Treaty Challenges on the US Military, Ryan J. Bridley and Kevin W. Matthews
The Strategic Importance of Taiwan to the United States and Its Allies: Part One, Luke P. Bellocchi
The Strategic Importance of Taiwan to the United States and Its Allies: Part Two – Policy since the Start of the Russia-Ukraine War, Luke P. Bellocchi
Trusting AI: Integrating Artificial Intelligence into the Army’s Professional Expert Knowledge, C. Anthony Pfaff, Christopher J. Lowrance, Bre M. Washburn, and Brett A. Carey
Ukraine’s Lessons for Future Combat: Unmanned Aerial Systems and Deep Strike, Harry Halem
Understanding the Adversary: Strategic Empathy and Perspective Taking in National Security, Allison Abbe
Urban Resistance to Occupation: An Underestimated Element of Land Warfare, Kevin D. Stringer and Jelle J. H. Hooiveld
US-Russia Foreign Policy: Confronting Russia’s Geographic Anxieties, Caitlin P. Irby
Was the Russian Invasion of Ukraine a Failure of Western Deterrence?, Bettina Renz