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Browse Research and Scholarship Follow

Each year the US Army War College (USAWC) Press publishes studies, conference reports, and book-length volumes on a spectrum of issues central to US national security. The works included here are solely the ideas of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the US Army or the US Army War College. Until further notice, we will not be publishing monographs from individuals who are not USAWC faculty or staff.

Top 5 downloads of 2024 from the USAWC Press

  • A Call to Action: Lessons from Ukraine for the Future Force (Parameters article)
  • Ends+Ways+Means=(Bad) Strategy
  • Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession
  • International Law, Self-Defense, and the Israel-Hamas Conflict
  • A Call to Action: Lessons from Ukraine for the Future Force (monograph)
  • US Army War College Press Mission: Publish Strategic Analysis for US Military and US Policy Practitioners

    The US Army War College Press publishes and propagates research and analysis for Army leaders in the form of monographs, journal articles, and interactive media. It enhances the research and education mission of the Army War College by publishing informative, policy-relevant works of scholarship written by military and civilian national security and defense experts. It propagates cutting-edge, peer-reviewed analysis of a broad range of topics, including grand strategy, military and defense strategy, strategic leadership and decision making, military ethics, the military profession, and the role of Landpower in contemporary warfare.

    Philosophy of The US Army War College Press

    The USAWC Press has two product lines: The US Army War College quarterly journal, Parameters, and scholarly monographs. In order to be considered for publication with the Press, submissions must address issues of strategic relevance to US Army and/or Department of Defense leaders and must include actionable strategic or policy recommendations. All submissions must exhibit the highest standards of research and scholarship, avoid jargon, and be written in a language accessible to busy policy makers and senior decision makers.

    Six things to keep in mind when writing scholarly articles and monographs for the USAWC Press:

    • Clearly express the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of your ideas
    • Thoughtful exposition moves beyond simple description
    • Engage in thoughtful, balanced analysis rather than personal opinion
    • Support knowledge claims, arguments, and insights with clearly presented and sensibly organized evidence
    • Craft a clear, well-supported, properly documented, concise, and logically organized thesis—reducible to one sentence
    • Adhere to conventional rules of English grammar and syntax using Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition, for reference, guidance, and footnotes