Synchronizing U.S. Government Efforts toward Collaborative Health Care Policymaking in Iraq
A primary pillar to achieving strategic aims in Iraq is through the reestablishment of a functional healthcare system. Currently, no set corporate solution exists including all agencies pertaining to a universally acceptable strategic health policy in support of this objective. Healthcare is an elemental component of basic human needs and should be accessible, affordable, and capable. Following combat operations and phasing into stabilization operations, basic healthcare infrastructure and systems have often been either disrupted or degraded altogether. To address this situation, the U.S. Government requires a coordinated interagency approach to formulate a strategic healthcare plan. Incorporating all relevant players into this goal will promote sound organizational design, unity of effort, and a culture favorable to synchronization. This proposal submits specific recommendations and advocates a renewed effort toward addressing these requirements. The primary constructs under review are U.S. Government organization, leadership, and culture as they relate to a strategic healthcare policy. This approach reduces redundant efforts, conserves resources and augments the legitimacy of the new Government of Iraq, while supporting U.S. national strategic aims.