Content Posted in 2024
2024 Annual Estimate of the Strategic Security Environment
A Call to Action: Lessons from Ukraine for the Future Force, John A. Nagl and Katie Crombe
A Long, Hard Year: Russia-Ukraine War Lessons Learned 2023, Michael T. Hackett and John A. Nagl
Avoiding the Escalatory Trap: Managing Escalation during the Israel-Hamas War, C. Anthony Pfaff
Book Review: Age of Danger: Keeping America Safe in an Era of New Superpowers, New Weapons, and New Threats, John A. Nagl
Book Review: Armies in Retreat: Chaos, Cohesion, and Consequences, J.P. Clark
Book Review: Boots and Suits: Historical Cases and Contemporary Lessons in Military Diplomacy, Kenneth Weisbrode
Book Review: Cold Rivals: The New Era of US-China Strategic Competition, Jeffrey Reeves
Book Review: Conflict: The Evolution of Warfare from 1945 to Ukraine, John A. Nagl
Book Review: Forging the Anglo-American Alliance: The British and American Armies, 1917–1941, Dean Nowowiejski
Book Review: Info Ops: From World War I to the Twitter Era, José de Arimatéia da Cruz
Book Review: Limited Force and the Fight for the Just War Tradition, Wylie W. Johnson
Book Review: Military Culture Shift: The Impact of War, Money, and Generational Perspective on Morale, Retention, and Leadership, Rodger M. Kissane
Book Review: Resourcing the National Security Enterprise: Connecting the Ways and Means of US National Security, Christopher Sandrolini
Book Reviews, USAWC Press
Book Reviews, USAWC Press
Book Reviews, USAWC Press
Book Review: Skies of Thunder: The Deadly World War II Mission over the Roof of the World, Heather Venable
Book Review: Small Armies, Big Cities: Rethinking Urban Warfare, John P. Sullivan
Book Review: Standing Up Space Force: The Road to the Nation’s Sixth Armed Service, Robert D. Bradford III
Book Review: Thanks for Your Service: The Causes and Consequences of Public Confidence in the US Military, James "Andy" Nichols
Book Review: The Decline and Fall of Republican Afghanistan, Whitney Grespin
Book Review: The Hollow Crown: Shakespeare on How Leaders Rise, Rule, and Fall, Zachary Griffiths
Book Review: The Islamic State in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Strategic Alliances and Rivalries, Thomas F. Lynch III
Book Review: The Wandering Army: The Campaigns that Transformed the British Way of War, James D. Scudieri
Book Review: The War in Nicaragua, Joerg Stenzel
Book Review: The World: A Family History of Humanity, Zachary Griffiths
Book Review: Violence in Defeat: The Wehrmacht on German Soil, 1944–1945, Daniel Gipper
Book Review: Waging a Good War: How the Civil Rights Movement Won Its Battles, 1954–1968, Keith Nightingale
Building a Purposeful Research Agenda, Richard D. Butler and Joshua M. Arostegui
China's Use of Nontraditional Strategic Landpower in Asia, Sheena Chestnut Greitens
Closing the Gap: Officer Advanced Education STEM+M (Management), Leon L. Robert Jr. and Carl J. Wojtaszek
Contributor Guidelines, USAWC Press
Contributor Guidelines, USAWC Press
Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait, Jared M. McKinney and Peter Harris
Eisenhower as Supreme Allied Commander: A Reappraisal, Richard D. Hooker Jr.
Emerging Technologies and Terrorism: An American Perspective
Exploring Strategy in India, Vinay Kaura
Exploring the Nexus of Military and Society at a 50-Year Milestone, Patricia M. Shields
From the Acting Editor in Chief, C. Anthony Pfaff
From the Editor in Chief, Antulio J. Echevarria II
From the Editor in Chief, Antulio J. Echevarria II
In Memorium: Dr. Carol V. Evans, General Charles A. Flynn
International Competition in the High North: Kingston Conference on International Security 2022
International Law, Self-Defense, and the Israel-Hamas Conflict, Eric A. Heinze
Introduction to the US Army War College Civil-Military Relations Center, Carrie A. Lee
Iraq’s Ministry of Interior: NATO, Capability Building, and Reform, Andrea Malouf
Lieutenant General Robert C. Richardson Jr.: Central Pacific Theater Army Commander for Admiral Chester W. Nimitz 1943–45, James D. Scudieri
Operating Successfully within the Bureaucracy Domain of Warfare: Part One, Jeff McManus
Operating Successfully within the Bureaucracy Domain of Warfare: Part Two, Jeff McManus
Parameters Autumn 2024, USAWC Press
Parameters Spring 2024, USAWC Press
Parameters Summer 2024, USAWC Press
Professional Discourse Is Shaping the Force, Brennan Deveraux
Raven Sentry: Employing AI for Indications and Warnings in Afghanistan, Thomas W. Spahr
Resources Designed to Promote Professional Discourse, Brennan Deveraux
Restoring Priority on Cultural Skill Sets for Modern Military Professionals, Daniel W. Henk and Allison Abbe
Rethinking the Relevance of Self-Deterrence, Jeffrey H. Michaels
Review: Hybrid Warriors: Proxies, Freelancers and Moscow’s Struggle for Ukraine, Sarah Lohmann
Satellites in the Russia-Ukraine War, Ron Gurantz
SRAD Director's Corner: Emerging Technologies and Terrorism: A Report from NATO's COE Defence Against Terrorism, Eric Hartunian
Strategy as Problem-Solving, Andrew Carr
The Art of Avoiding Strategic Miscalculation, Steven W. Knott
The Challenges of Next-Gen Insurgency, Steven Metz
The Combat Path: Sustaining Mental Readiness in Ukrainian Soldiers, Oleh Hukovskyy, James C. West, Joshua C. Morganstein, Eugene F. Augusterfer, David M. Benedek, Oleg Boyko, Robert J. Ursano, and Amy B. Adler
The Dynamics of US Retrenchment in the Middle East, Paul K. MacDonald and Joseph M. Parent
The Fallacy of Unambiguous Warning, Regan Copple
The Forward Edge of the Fifth US Army War College, David C. Hill, David D. Dworak, and Aaron Blair Wilcox
The Military and the Election: Thinking through Retired Flag Officer Endorsements, Carrie A. Lee
The Politics of Restraint in the Middle East, Andrew Payne
Toward a Strategic Art for Sanctions, David J. Katz
Ukraine: The Case for Urgency, Rebecca W. Jensen and Anthony L. Tingle
Understanding Russian Disinformation and How the Joint Force Can Address It, Michael J. Kelley
US-Taiwan Relations and the Future of the Liberal Order, Christina Lai
What American Policymakers Misunderstand about the Belt and Road Initiative, Zenel Garcia and Phillip Guerreiro
Why the Afghan and Iraqi Armies Collapsed: An Allied Perspective, Colin D. Robinson