The US Army War College recognizes the requirements for continued adaptation during periods of systemic and technological change. Currently on the forward edge of its fifth evolution, the college is adapting to provide assessment-based, tailorable education to its students and deliver impactful leader-development programs, research, and war gaming to inform strategic leaders about critical national security choices. Adapting strategic education to keep pace with the needs of the future operational force is essential to maintain the war-fighting edge for the Army of 2040 and beyond. This fifth evolution of the Army War College reinvigorates education requirements in the global application of Landpower. In a testament to the quality of adaptive curricular processes and design, the college is envisioning new means and methods to answer the call that Secretary of War Root issued more than a century ago, “[n]ot to promote war but to preserve peace through intelligent and adequate preparation to repel aggression.”
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Recommended Citation
David C. Hill, David D. Dworak & Aaron B. Wilcox, "The Forward Edge of the Fifth US Army War College," Parameters 54, no. 3 (2024), doi:10.55540/0031-1723.3299.
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