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On January 13, 1993, in Paris, 130 countries signed the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) to ban the entire class of chemical weapons. Many of those nations have since ratified it. In this country, debate continues on the strategic implications of the convention, as drafted, and whether it is in the U.S. national security interest. Once gain, that debate comes before the Senate for ratification consideration in 1997. Frederick Vogel explores the historical, moral, and legal aspects of chemical warfare, and the strategic implications of the convention, including operational, policy, constitutional, and industrial impact for the United States. He concludes that, although "imperfect," the convention will contribute to U.S. national security.
Publication Date
Chemical Weapons; Vogel; chemical weapons convention; CWC; Paris; January 13 1993
Recommended Citation
Frederick J. Vogel Mr.,
The Chemical Weapons Convention: Strategic Implications for the United States ( US Army War College Press, 1997),