About This Journal
Parameters is a refereed journal of ideas and issues. It provides a forum for mature thought on the art and science of land warfare, joint and combined matters, national and international security affairs, military strategy, military leadership and management, military history, ethics, and other topics of significant and current interest to the US Army and the Department of Defense. It serves as a vehicle for continuing the education and professional development of graduates of the US Army War College (USAWC) and other senior military officers, as well as members of government and academia concerned with national security affairs.
Parameters (ISSN 0031-1723, USPS 413530) is an official US Army Periodical, published quarterly by the US Army War College, ATTN: Parameters, 47 Ashburn Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013-5238. Phone: (717) 245-4943 or DSN 242-4943. E-mail: usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@army.mil.
The Secretary of the Army has determined that publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public business as required by law of the Department. Use of funds for printing this publication has been approved by the Secretary of the Army in accordance with Army regulations.
Parameters is indexed in, inter alia, Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals, US Government Periodicals Index, LexisNexis Government Periodicals Index, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Lancaster Index to Defence & International Security Literature (UK), and PAIS Bulletin. Book reviews are indexed in Gale Group's Book Review Index. Parameters is also available through ProQuest and on microfilm and microfiche from UMI.
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Submissions: Unsolicited article manuscripts are welcome; optimum length is 4,500-5,000 words, plus footnotes. Include a brief bio indicating your expertise. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscript by e-mail, as an attachment, to usarmy.carlisle.awc.mbx.parameters@army.mil. An Author Guide is available on request and online. Book reviews are by assignment only. Do not submit manuscripts by fax. Do not submit a manuscript being considered elsewhere.
Reprints: For permission to reprint articles, contact the Parameters editorial office by phone, mail, or e-mail.
Disclaimer: Articles and reviews published in Parameters are unofficial expressions of opinion. The views and opinions expressed in Parameters are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Department of the Army, the US Army War College, or any other agency of the US government.
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 70-612062.