Publication Ethics Statement | The US Army War College Quarterly: Parameters | Parameters and Associated Collections | US Army War College
The US Army War College Quarterly: Parameters

Publication Ethics Statement

Publication Ethics: These statements from the United States Army War College Press and the US Army War College quarterly journal, Parameters, are based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) core practices. More information may be found here:

Allegations of misconduct: The Editor in Chief (EiC) of the US Army War College Press (the Press) and Parameters takes any form of fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism, or other practices negatively impacting the trustworthiness of our publications or attributions seriously, and will conduct or cooperate with investigations regarding allegations of misconduct. Regardless of whether misconduct is found and proven to be committed intentionally, disclosure of the identity of defendants or petitioners will be limited to a need to know basis.

Authorship and contributorship: Individuals submitting monographs or articles to be considered for publication will only be credited authorship and/or contributorship if they have provided substantially through research, writing, editing, and approval for publication. Authorship and/or contributorship disputes may be resolved by the EiC of the Press. Acknowledgements may be noted for those contributors not meeting authorship or contributorship requirements. Ghost authors are not permitted as all authors and/or contributors meeting authorship and/or contributorship requirements should be listed.

Complaints and appeals: Complaints against the journal, its staff, or editorial board may be submitted through the EiC by email: Complaints and appeals.

Conflicts of interest: Transparency is vital to academic research and publishing in the Press. Conflicts of interest (COI) occur when an author and/or contributor has an activity affecting the validity of research by influencing their work for personal gain. COI complaints may be addressed to the EiC by email: Conflicts of interest.

Data and reproducibility: Articles containing data will be considered factual when published. If there is suspected data manipulation, falsification, or fabrication the EiC will investigate. You may address your concerns to the EiC by email: Data and reproducibility.

Ethical oversight: The Press and Parameters enjoys academic freedom and encourages researchers to provide results in the form of articles or monographs for publication consideration. In doing so, the Press follows strict ethical guidelines for consent, conduct, confidentiality, and promotion. If the manuscript involves data collection from, or about, living humans, prior to submission the author must provide a Human Subject Determination Form to the Human Subject Resource Representative. The form must indicate whether the research in question required review by an Institutional Review Board and, if so, show proper documentation regarding the Board’s determination.

Intellectual property: Parameters is subject to Title 17 United States Code § 101 and105. It is in the public domain and may not be copyrighted by any entity other than the covered author. Generally, no copyright exists for a manuscript prepared either as part of one’s official government duties (to include direct support of a lecture, instruction, curriculum development, or special duty assigned to the individual), during duty hours, or with substantial government clerical or administrative support. However, a limited exception exists for faculty members at covered institutions who own the copyright to literary works produced for a publication by a scholarly press or journal. In that instance, the author may be directed to provide the Federal Government with an irrevocable, royalty-free, world-wide nonexclusive license to reproduce, distribute, perform, or display such literary work for U.S. Government purposes. If you wish to retain copyright, Parameters will include a copyright notice on the published manuscript in the author’s name (e.g., ©2020 Jane Doe). Parameters will grant reprint requests only for government purposes; private-sector requests for reprints will be referred to the author.

Journal management: Parameters is an official US Army Periodical, published quarterly by the US Army War College. The Secretary of the Army has determined that publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public business as required by law of the Department. Use of funds for publishing this journal has been approved by the Secretary of the Army in accordance with Army regulations.

Peer review process: The US Army War College Quarterly, Parameters, is a refereed forum for contemporary strategy and Landpower issues. It furthers the education and professional development of senior military officers and members of government and academia concerned with national security affairs. Publishing a submitted article is contingent upon a blind peer review of contemporary strategy and Landpower subject matter experts. If the article is deemed acceptable, it will be edited by professional Press members, reviewed by the author(s), and published in print and online.

Post-publication discussions: Dissenting views to articles are encouraged to be emailed to Post-publication discussions. After review and acceptance, the editorial may be published in our section “Commentaries & Replies”. Corrections, revisions, or retractions will be published as soon as possible and as close to the front of the subsequent issue.

Source: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) website: