Mission Statement
The US Army War College has published The US Army War College Quarterly – Parameters, a refereed journal for contributions concerning contemporary strategy and Landpower, since 1971. Parameters is a product line of the US Army War College Press, which publishes and disseminates strategic-level analysis to inform US military and civilian decisionmakers as well as PME faculty and students. The US Army War College Press supports the research and educational missions of the US Army War College by publishing expert strategic analysis via multiple product lines and platforms on topics such as grand strategy, military and defense strategy, strategic leadership, military ethics, and the military profession.
US Army Leadership
Secretary of the Army
Honorable Christine E. Wormuth
Chief of Staff of the Army
General Randy A. George
Commandant, US Army War College
Major General David C. Hill
Director, SSI and US Army War College Press
Dr. C. Anthony Pfaff
US Army War College Press
Editor in Chief
Dr. Antulio J. Echevarria II
Digital Media Manager
Mr. Richard K. Leach
Managing Editor
Ms. Lori K. Janning
Developmental Editor
Dr. Erin M. Forest
Copy Editor
Ms. Stephanie D. Crider
Visual Information Specialists
Mrs. Kristen G. Taylor
Ms. Kaitlyn Guettler
Mrs. Jennifer E. Nevil
Contributing Editors
Dr. Jacqueline N. Deal, Long Term Strategy Group, LLC
Dr. Steven K. Metz, US Army War College, DNSS
Dr. C. Anthony Pfaff, US Army War College, SSI & USAWC Press
Dr. Bettina Renz, University of Nottingham
Dr. Jacob N. Shapiro, Princeton University
Dr. Patricia M. Shields, Texas State University
Editorial Board Members
Dr. Anne Louise Antonoff, Marine Corps University
Dr. Hal Brands, Johns Hopkins University
Dr. Douglas W. Bristol Jr., University of Southern Mississippi
Dr. Robert J. Bunker, Director of Research and Analysis, C/O Futures, LLC
Mr. Jeffery L. Caton, Kepler Strategies, LLC
Dr. Samuel Charap, RAND Corporation
Mr. Murray R. Clark, Colonel (USAF Retired), At Large
Dr. Conrad C. Crane, Lieutenant Colonel (USA Retired), US Army War College, SSI
Prof. Audrey Kurth Cronin, Carnegie Mellon Institute for Strategy and Technology
Mr. Mark J. Eshelman, Colonel (USA Retired), US Army War College, DDE
Dr. David M. Finkelstein, Center for Naval Analyses
Dr. T. X. Hammes, National Defense University
Dr. Stéfanie von Hlatky, Queen’s University
Dr. Marnie Howlett, University of Oxford
Dr. An Jacobs, Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
Dr. Richard A. Lacquement Jr., US Army War College, SSI
Dr. Nelly Lahoud, US Army War College, DNSS
Dr. Genevieve Lester, US Army War College, De Serio Chair
Dr. Sarah J. Lohmann, University of Washington
Dr. Matthew C. Mason, US Army War College, SSI
Dr. Montgomery McFate, Naval War College
Dr. Andrew Monaghan, Royal United Services Institute
Dr. Kathleen Moore, US Army War College, CSL
Dr. John A. Nagl, US Army War College, DMPSO
Dr. Matthew Pinsker, Dickinson College
Dr. George E. Reed, Colonel (USA Retired), University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Dr. Nadia Schadlow, Hudson Institute
Dr. Sibylle Scheipers, University of St. Andrews
Dr. Andrew C. Scobell, US Institute of Peace
Dr. Kalev Sepp, Naval Postgraduate School
Dr. Luis Simón, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Mr. John W. Spencer, Colonel (California Army National Guard), Modern War Institute at the United States Military Academy
Dr. Samantha A. Taylor, Air Command and Staff College
Mr. Timothy L. Thomas, Lieutenant Colonel (US Army, retired), MITRE Corporation
Mr. Bert B. Tussing, Colonel (USMC Retired), US Army War College, CSL
Dr. Marybeth P. Ulrich, Naval War College
Dr. Katarzyna Zysk, Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies