The Strategic Studies Institute at the US Army War College is analyzing the operational events and activities of the Russia-Ukraine War to understand the war’s strategic implications for the US Army and its role within the NATO Alliance. Analysis will further inform theater and national US strategy and may benefit Army doctrine and concepts vis-à-vis the Russian threat. It will also examine how US and allied defense policies should adjust to the current character of war. Lessons learned from Ukraine are relevant to the evolving challenge in the Pacific in the near term and are opportunities for the United States to progress in terms of integrated deterrence and the provision of assistance with and through partners.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Recommended Citation
Eric Hartunian, "SRAD Director's Corner: US Army War College Russia-Ukraine War Study Project," Parameters 53, no. 3 (2023), doi:10.55540/0031-1723.3246.
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