Volume 39, Number 1 (2009) Parameters Spring 2009
Book Reviews
Parameters Editors
Commentary and Reply
Richard Halloran and Carol Armistead Grigsby
From the Archives: The Military Roots of Civilian Sayings
Parameters Editors
From the Editor
Robert H. Taylor
Winning in Afghanistan
Ali A. Jalali
The End of Proportionality
Jonathan F. Keiler
Russia’s Conventional Armed Forces and the Georgian War
Roger N. McDermott
Review Essay: North Korea and Failed Diplomacy
Larry M. Wortzel
Enhancing the Footprint: Stakeholders in Afghan Reconstruction
Bas Rietjens, Myriame Bollen, Masood Khalil, and Sayed Fazlullah Wahidi
Deterrence in the Israeli-Iranian Strategic Standoff
W. Andrew Terrill