Volume 51, Number 2 (2021)
Parameters Summer 2021
From the Editor in Chief
Antulio J. Echevarria II
Matthew Ridgway and the Value of Persistent Dissent
Conrad C. Crane
COIN Doctrine Is Wrong
M. Chris Mason
Toward Successful COIN: Shining Path’s Decline
Darren Colby
Europe: A Strategy for a Regional and Middle Power
Jean-Yves Haine and Cynthia Salloum
Greater Security Cooperation: US Allies in Europe and East Asia
Tongfi Kim and Luis Simón
The Coercive Logic of Militant Drone Use
Austin C. Doctor and James I. Walsh
JDN 2-19: Hitting the Target but Missing the Mark
Ann Mezzell and J. Wesley Hutto
Integrated Planning and Campaigning for Complex Problems
Robert S. Ehlers Jr. and Patrick Blannin
On “The Politics of Oath-Taking”
David J. Wasserstein, Jimmie R. Montgomery, and Marybeth P. Ulrich
Book Reviews