Volume 51, Number 3 (2021)
Parameters Autumn 2021
From the Editor in Chief
Antulio J. Echevarria II
The Alt-Right Movement and National Security
Matthew Valasik and Shannon E. Reid
Crisis Management Lessons from the Clinton Administration's Implementation of Presidential Decision Directive 56
Leonard R. Hawley
Assessing Risk at the National Strategic Level: Visualization Tools for Military Planners
Wade A. Germann and Heather S. Gregg
Reversing the Readiness Assumption: A Proposal for Fiscal and Military Effectiveness
Jason W. Warren and John A. Bonin
Great (Soft) Power Competition: US and Chinese Efforts in Global Health Engagement
Michael W. Wissemann
Hope versus Reality: The Efficacy of Using US Military Aid to Improve Human Rights in Egypt
Gregory L. Aftandilian
Samuel Huntington, Professionalism, and Self-Policing in the US Army Officer Corps
Brian McAllister Linn
The Battalion Commander Effect
Everett Spain, Gautam Mukunda, and Archie Bates
Book Reviews